Website Logo by Katharina

Health is a human right.

There is a big gap in the German health sector when it comes to cultural sensitized and easily accessible (mental) health care services for queer refugees.
We aim to provide information for LGBTIQ* individuals, in terms of contact points in their area or general information about mental health, as well as offering guidelines and important facts for health professionals and everyone who's interested.

Photo by Nick Shandra on Unsplash
More Infos on the Topic
Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Meeting points in your area

Learn about places where you can connect with others!

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Information for Refugees

Information about mental health and who you can contact.

Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Information for Health Professionals

Guidelines, other information and research findings.

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Trigger Warning: the following text contains the topic of (sexual) violence and rape!

General information on the topic

"Queer refugees need special attention when it comes to their health." - Gene Bogolepov
Queer refugees are at a high risk of suffering from (mental) health problems. Studies have shown that refugees are at a risk of suffering one mental disorder or the other, which commonly includes: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks, major depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorder. A possible cause for that is the so-called ‘double-minority’, meaning that they experience stress and discrimination as a part of a gender minority and an ethnic minority, often with a precarious legal status as a refugee. Many of them had to leave their home, friends and family behind and went on an often traumatizing journey to a new country with a different environment and culture.

The experience of refugees could be divided into three phases; pre-flight experience, flight experience, and re-settlement experience:
Pre-flight experience could be for example; persecutions, physical violence and brutality, murder of a loved one, etc. Flight experience involves the journey from the country of origin, with so much uncertainties, to a foreign land for safety. Starting from getting a transportation means and being forced to take dangerous means like, staying in a camp with completely strange people, without good food and drinks, and at the same time facing rape and all manner of brutality from task masters, going through deserts and over Mediterranean seas to cross to Europe. Lastly, settlement experience is the stage they have to go through due process to be accepted and allowed to re-settle in the country of refuge.

For many queer people it was always necessary to suppress their sexual orientation or gender identity. Arriving in a new setting with a vivid LGBTIQ+ community can be perceived as intimidating.
Other problems may occur in their diaspora communities, where they might experience discrimination because of their sexual orientation, racism or discrimination in the LGBTIQ+ community. Additional to any trauma that might burden the individual all of these factors, as single influences or in combination, put a person at a high risk of experiencing (mental) health problems.
It is known that most refugees may lack needed mental health care as a result of scarcity of services, lack of information or wrong information about mental health care, language barrier, culture bias, and stigma against mental health.

A proper treatment in a trustworthy and safe environment is therefore crucial for supporting queer refugees. Due to the big gap in the German health sector when it comes to cultural sensitized and easily accessible (mental) health care services for queer refugees, it is important that general practitioners, psychotherapists, and other personnel in that sector are made aware of the situation and start to get informed about a culturally sensitized service provision.
Messih, M. M.D., M.Sc. : Mental Health in LGBT Refugee Populations
Walther, L., Fuchs, L.M., Schupp, J. et al. Living Conditions and the Mental Health and Well-being of Refugees: Evidence from a Large-Scale German Survey.

Meeting Points
in your Area

Here you can find a list of organizations in your city where you can ask for any kind of help or to just connect with new people!
You can also find which organizations are offering psycho-social support.

Vous trouverez ici une liste d’organismes dans votre ville où vous pouvez demander n’importe quel type d’aide ou tout simplement communiquer avec de nouvelles personnes! Vous pouvez également trouver les organismes qui offrent une aide psychosociale.
در اینجا می توانید فهرستی از سازمان ها را در شهر خود پیدا کنید که در آن می توانید هر نوع کمکی بخواهید یا فقط با افراد جدید ارتباط برقرار کنید! شما همچنین می توانید پیدا کنید که چه سازمان هایی حمایت روانی-اجتماعی ارائه می دهند.
Şehrinde bulunan bir sürü yardım alabileceğin ya da öylesine insanlarla buluşabileceğin organizasyonları bulabilirsin burada! Ayrıca hangi kuruluşların psiko-sosyal destek sunduğunu da bulabilirsiniz.
هنا سوف تجد قائمة بالمنظمات في مدينتك حيث يمكنك الحصول على مساعدة مختلفة أو حيث يمكنك بسهولة الالتقاء بأشخاص جدد!هنا سوف تجد أيضا المنظمات التي تقدم الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي.
Здесь вы найдёте список организаций в вашем городе, в которых вам будет оказана разная помощь или где вы сможете просто встретиться с новыми людьми! Также можно узнать, какие организации предлагают психосоциальную поддержку.

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-> Support in finding social, juridical, medical & psychosocial support
-> psychosocial counseling

->psychosocial and legal counseling as well as support for LGBTIQ* refugees and people with migration biographies, people who identify as LGBTIQ* BIPoC and their relatives.
->The main subjects are: coming out, sexual and gender identity, emotional stress, as well as conflicts on housing or accommodation, and discrimination
-> Support in coming out as well as exchange and networking with other queer refugees in  the support group
Verein für sexuelle Emanzipation e.V. / Queer Refugees
Rat&Tat-Zentrum für queeres Leben in Bremen
-> psychosocial and legal counseling as well as support for LGBTIQ* refugees
GAP in Bonn / GAP Queer Refugees
-> counseling on depression and thought of succide, general crisis

Rosa Strippe e.V. / Senlima
-> psychosocial counselling for LGBTQ refugees, as well as for their friends and relatives
LSVD Sachsen / Information Center for LGBTI Refugees
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AIDS-Hilfe Darmstadt e.V. / Rainbow Refugee Support;

Vielbunt Queere Community Darmstadt/ Refugees Welcome
-> advice on current state of medical knowledge
->acute Crisis Management


-> general psychosocial counseling
CSD Dresden / Koordinierungsstelle für LSBT-Flüchtlinge in Sachsen;
Gerede e.V.
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AIDS-Hilfe Düsseldorf /  Landeskoordination;
Frauenberatungsstelle Düsseldorf e.V. – International lesbians / Fachstelle „Lesben beraten Lesben“
Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft (LAG) Lesben in NRW e.V. ;
Mashallah Düsseldorf (Projekt der AIDS-Hilfe Düsseldorf)
-> psychological counseling

LSVD Thüringen
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AIDS-Hilfe Essen e.V. / Gruppe Mashallah;

AWO Beratungszentrum Lore-Agnes-Haus / LSBTI*-Refugees Welcome;
Together Essen: LGBTI* Refugees* and Migrants*
-> psychological counseling
Frankfurt am Main
AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V. / Rainbow Refugees Support;

Deutsch-Iranische Beratungsstelle für Frauen und Mädchen e.V. / Beratung für lesbische Migrantinnen;
Lesben Informations- und Beratungsstelle e.V./ NAHAL – Migrantinnen;
AIDS-Hilfe Hessen e.V.
-> primary psychological and medical counseling
Freiburg im Breisgau
Netzwerk LSBTTIQ Baden-Württemberg / Refugees Welcome
-> psychological counseling
Together Gelsenkirchen: LGBTI*, Refugees* and Migrants*
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AIDS-Hilfe Gießen e.V.  / Rainbow Refugee Support
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AIDS-Hilfe Hagen e.V. / QueerFugees Hagen
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LSVD Hamburg

Magnus-Hirschfeld Centrum e.V. / Koordination LSBTI* Migrations- und Fluchtarbeit;

Mah Diwan – Safe Space – Diskriminierungsfreier Raum für LSBTI* Geflüchtete;
Queer Refugees Support Hamburg;
Refugee sisters – Raum für lesbische, bisexuelle, trans und inter Geflüchtete

-> psychosocial counseling
-> transfer to health professionals

AIDS-Hilfe Hanau und Main-Kinzig-Kreis e.V. / Rainbow Refugee Support
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Kargah e.V. ;
Niedersächsische Vernetzungsstelle für die Belange von LSBTI-Flüchtlinge
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REFUGIO Thüringen – Koordinierungs-,Vernetzungs- und Beratungsstelle für von Gewalt betroffene geflüchtete Frauen* und LGBTIQA*
-> psychosocial couseling
-> psychotherapy

AIDS-Hilfe Kassel e.V. / Rainbow Refugee Support
-> trans* counselling
HAKI e.V. / Queer Refugees and Migrants Network Schleswig Holstein
-> support in finding medical and psychosocial help
-> transfer to GPs and psychotherapist

Together Kleve
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SLVS / LebensLust Beratungsstelle Krefeld / Together Krefeld: LGBTI* Refugees* and Migrants*
-> psychosocial counseling
Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD) – Queer Refugees Deutschland;

Integrationshaus e.V. / Spektrum LGBT-Jugendgruppe;

LSVD Nordrhein-Westfalen;
Queere Jugend NRW - LGBTIQ* Refugees;

Rainbow Refugees Cologne – Support Group;

rubicon Köln / Gruppe baraka und Integrationsagentur;

Schwules Netzwerk NRW – Queer Refugees in NRW;

Sofra Cologne

-> general counseling

-> accompany to doctors, agencies and other official appointments
-> help with translation issues

-> counseling on lots of topics (also on mental health problems, e.g. depression, anxiety, addiction) (multi-professional team with various consulting and therapy trainings. All counsellors are lesbian, gay, bi-, trans*, queer)

-> workshops for mental strength

RAA Leipzig / Beratung und Begleitung für LSBTI* Geflüchtete;

RosaLinde Leipzig e.V. / Queer Refugees Network

-> psychological counseling
-> information and counseling on sexual orientation and gender identity

LSVD Schleswig-Holstein
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LSVD Sachsen-Anhalt / Rainbow Connection
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LSVD Rheinland-Pfalz;
Rainbow Refugees Mainz
-> Counseling on several topics
PLUS Mannheim / Hope-Help und Participation for LGBTIQ refugees
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AIDS-Hilfe Marburg e.V. / Rainbow Refugee Support
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IG-Initiativgruppe Interkulturelle Begegnung und Bildung e.V. – Queer*Yourope;
LeTRa Lesbentelefon e.V. / Lesbenberatung;
LSVD Bayern
SUB München / Rainbow Refugees Munich
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AWO Münsterland-Recklinghausen – LSBTI* Jugendgruppe Massar;

Fachstelle für Sexualität und Gesundheit, AIDS-Hilfe Münster / Queer Refugees Münster Support Group / Queer Refugee Café

-> Counseling for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and rainbow families
Fliederlich e.V.
-> counseling on different matters
Offenbach am Main
AIDS-Hilfe Offenbach am Main e.V. / Rainbow Refugee Support
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Katte e.V. / Rat+Tat Potsdam / qu.Integration-Projekt;

Queer Haven – Netzwerk für Queer Refugees im Land Brandenburg

-> mental health counseling
Rat+Tat e.V. Rostock
-> counseling for trans* people on transition
-> transfer to medical and psychological professionals

LGBTI Refugees Network Saarland;
LSVD Saar / Checkpoint / Migrationsgruppe
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LSVD Baden-Württemberg
Weissenburg Zentrum LSBTIQ Stuttgart
-> psychosocial counseling
SCHMIT-Z / Queer Refugees Trier
-> transfer to health professionals
AIDS-Hilfe Wiesbaden e.V. / Rainbow Refugees Wiesbaden
-> transfer to psychotherapy
Rosa Hilfe / Würzburger Netzwerk für LSBTI-Geflüchtete
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Find these and some other information on:
Trigger Warning: The following section addresses mental disorders and may trigger those. If you're not feeling well, please look at this part with a person close to you. If you experience any of these symptoms, please confide in someone and talk to a professional.

Information for Refugees

Here you can find information about mental health and about doctors in your area who are speaking other languages than Englisch or German!
Vous trouverez ici des informations sur la santé mentale et sur les médecins de votre région qui ne parlent pas seulement d’autres langues que l’anglais ou l’allemand!
در اینجا شما می توانید اطلاعات مربوط به سلامت روان و در مورد پزشکان در منطقه خود را که صحبت کردن به زبان های دیگر از انگلیش یا آلمانی پیدا کنید!
Aynı zamanda burada yine akıl sağlığıyla ve etrafında İngilizce ve Almanca konuşanlardan hariç başka doktorlar hakkında bilgi bulabilirsin!
هنا سوف تجد معلومات عن الصحة العقلية وعن الأطباء في منطقتك الذين يتحدثون لغات أخرى غير الإنجليزية أو الألمانية!
Здесь вы найдёте информацию о психическом здоровье и о врачах в вашем округе, которые говорят на других языках, кроме английского или немецкого!

Click here for other languages

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Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash


A traumatic event is a shocking, scary, or dangerous experience that can affect someone emotionally and physically. Experiences like natural disasters (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods), acts of violence (such as assault, abuse, terrorist attacks, and mass shootings), as well as car crashes and other accidents can all be traumatic.
NIMH » Coping with Traumatic Events (nih.go

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental illness. It is the result of terrible experiences made by those affected. These can be disasters, experiences of violence, sexual abuse or a serious accident. Typical for this disease is that you do not let go of the experience and the burdensome memories always come back (flashbacks). PTSD can often affect the lives of those affected years after the trauma.
Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) display excessive anxiety or worry, most days for at least 6 months, about a number of things such as personal health, work, social interactions, and everyday routine life circumstances. The fear and anxiety can cause significant problems in areas of their life, such as social interactions, school, and work
Panic Disorder
People with panic disorder have recurrent unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear that come on quickly and reach their peak within minutes. Attacks can occur unexpectedly or can be brought on by a trigger, such as a feared object or situation.
NIMH » Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (
NIMH » Depression (
NIMH » Anxiety Disorders (
NIMH > Panic Disorder (

When terrible things happen, what you may experience

Immediate Reactions

There are a wide variety of positive and negative reactions that survivors can experience during and immediately after a disaster. These include:

Negative Responses
Positive Responses
Confusion, disorientation, worry, intrusive thoughts and images, self-blame
Determination and resolve, sharper perception, courage, optimism, faith
Shock, sorrow, grief, sadness, fear, anger, numb, irritability, guilt and shame
Feeling involved, challenged, mobilized
Extreme withdrawal, interpersonal conflict
Social connectedness, altruistic helping behaviors
Fatigue, headache, muscle tension, stomachache, increased heart rate, exaggerated startle response, difficulties sleeping
Alertness, readiness to respond, increased energy

Common negative reactions that may continue include:

Intrusive reactions

Avoidance and withdrawal reactions

Physical arousal reactions

Reactions to trauma and loss reminders

Positive changes in priorities, worldview, and expectations

When a loved one dies, common reactions include

What helps

What doesn’t help

© Copyright: National Child Traumatic Stress Network and National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (; Taken from the manual "Psychological First Aid. Field operations guide. 2nd edition.”

Disclaimer: The following list includes GPs and psychotherapists speaking different languages in different German cities. They all gave their consent on being included on this website, however, we do not have independent verification for their qualification for working with queer refugees. Be careful when disclosing your sexual orientation or gender identity if you feel that doing so may put you at risk. If in doubt, please seek support at your local LGBTIQ* refugee organization.

Doctors speaking different languages

General Practitioners


Dipl. Psych. Berrak Kahraman-Lanzerath  
Martinstr. 10-12    
52062 Aachen
phone: 0241-47585451
Thu, Fri 7:40-8:30 am

Dr. med. Beraat Mersuh-Böcker    
Lothringerstr. 62    
52070 Aachen        
phone: 0241-4465010
Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00 am
Mon, Tue, Thu 3:00-4:00 pm


Dipl. phil. Riza Kavasoglu
phone: 1062-2896526


Dr. med. Mehmet Atahan
Richtweg 19
28195 Bremen
phone: 0421 - 3378181 please call first:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 12:00-3:00 pm
and 5:00-6:00 pm


Dipl. Soz. Filiz Kutluer (Diversity Trainer) 
Herberswerg 10  
33617 Bielefeld
phone: 0521-1442874
Disability and migration, counselling No therapist but can transfer!


Herr, Dipl.-Psych. Pfau, Alexander Adersstr. 78
40215 Düsseldorf
phone: 0211-3857720
Tue - Fri. 1:00-1:30 pm


Dipl. Psych. / Dipl. Soz. Päd. Zahide Yücel                  
Fulerumstr. 225    
45149 Essen        
phone: 0201-74931293
Mon and Wed: 12:00-12:50 am
Frankfurt am Main

Dipl. Psych. M. Bülent Midyat          
Im Trutz 51
60322 Frankfurt a.M.
phone:069-40035551 (+kurdish and aramaic)
Mon: 6:00 – 6.50 pm
Thu: 6:00 – 6.50 pm


Dipl. Päd. Aysel Altun (Institution: IB, Beratungsstelle für AsylbewerberInnen)
An der Zingelswiese 21-24       
65933 Frankfurt
phone: 069-38031216

Herr, Dr. Rahrakhshan, Mohammad   Wartenau 1  
22089 Hamburg
phone: 040 41307797
Mon and Wed 12:00-12:30 am


Dr. Cemanur Demirezen  
Ernst-August-Platz 6
30159 Hannover
phone: 0511 - 13344
Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00 am
Mon, Tue, Thu 3:00- 6:00 pm


Dipl.-Psych. Julia Bergmann
Landfriedstr. 4
69117 Heidelberg
phone: 06221-7272288
Mon: 07:35-08:00 and 11:50-12:20am
Tue: 08:35-09:00 and 11:50-12:20am
Wed: 07:35-08:00 am Thu: 07:35-08:00 and 11:50-12:20 am
Fri: 07:35-08:00 am

Frau, Dr.  Partschefeld, Elena
Weinbergstraße 195  
07407 Uhlstädt  
phone: 0152-37695960
Tue,Wed,Thu 1:00-2:00 pm


Dipl. Psych. Deniz Baspinar
Riehler Str. 21      
50668 Köln      

Turkish and French

Dipl. Psych. Tülay Atac
Petersgrube 6  
23552 Lübeck  
phone: 0176-20749722
Turkish Batuhan Parmakerli-Czemmel
G3 968159 Mannheim
0621 - 1565637
Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00 am
Mon, Tue, Thu 2:30-5:00 pm

Arabic Mona Scholz
Goethestraße 8
80336 München
phone: 089-18947770
Mon - Fri: 8:30-12:00 am
Mon, Thu: 2:00-6:00 pm
Tue: 2:00-7:00 pm


Beratung der AWO München
Psychologischer Dienst
Goethestr. 53    
80336 München    
phone: 089-54424753
Mon - Fri: 11.00 – 12.00 am


Herr, Dipl-Psych. Brunner, Gerd H.  Occamstr. 2  
80802 München  
phone: 089-342453
Mon-Thu, 8:10-12:00 am
2:00-6:00 pm

Lina Frenkina
Sulzbacherstr. 41            
90489 Nürnberg
phone: 01638026098
Mon, Tue, Thu 11:00-1:00 pm
2:00-4:00 pm

Dipl.-Psych. Olga Arneke Bahnhofplatz
890762 Fürth
phone: 09841-6824652
Mon-Fri: 07:00-12:00 am
Mon: 2:00-6:00 pm
Thu: 2:00-4:00 pm


Frau, Dipl.-Psych. Grabovac, Irina Wall
342103 Wuppertal
phone: 0202 253 310 81
Tue, Wed, Fri, 1:00-3:00;
4:00-6:00 pm

Information for Health Professionals

Click here for English version

Geflüchtete haben ein hohes Risiko an einer mentalen Krankheit zu erkranken. Ein sogar noch höheres Risiko haben queere Geflüchtete. Es gibt verschiedenste Gründe hierfür, einer scheint die bestehende doppelte Minderheitslast für Menschen zu sein, die einer geschlechtsspezifischen und einer ethnischen Minderheit angehören und häufig einen prekären Flüchtlingsstatus haben. Daher sind spezielle Dienstleistungen erforderlich, um die Bedürfnisse von queeren Geflüchteten zu erfüllen, die über die bestehende standardisierte Unterstützung hinausgehen.

Ergebnisse unserer Literaturrecherche:

Im Zuge unseres Studienprojektes haben wir außerdem recherchiert, wie der Zugang zu mentaler Gesundheitsversorgung für queere Geflüchtete in Deutschland aussieht. Hier möchten wir Ihnen kurz unsere Ergebnisse da legen.

Verschiedene Studien zeigen, dass LGBTIQ*-Geflüchtete einem hohen Risiko ausgesetzt sind, psychische Probleme zu entwickeln. Studien untersuchen die Erfahrungen von LGBTIQ*-Geflüchtete mit doppelter Minderheitslast in der Zeit nach der Migration.

Die meisten Studien wurden mittels Fragebogen und Interviews mit queeren Geflüchteten-Communities durchgeführt. Es ist bekannt, dass den meisten Flüchtlingen die notwendige psychische Versorgung fehlt, was auf den Mangel an Dienstleistungen, fehlende oder falsche Informationen über psychische Versorgung, Sprachbarrieren, kulturelle Vorurteile und Stigmatisierung  psychischer Krankheiten zurückzuführen ist. Die Teilnehmer äusserten ihre Angst vor Ablehnung, Diskriminierung und versuchen daher, ihre Identität zu verbergen, was sich negativ auf die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Neuankömmlinge auswirkt.

Die Studien ergaben eine doppelte Minderheitslast für die queeren Geflüchteten in Deutschland: Sie müssen sich einerseits ähnlichen Herausforderungen stellen wie andere Geflüchtete, wie z. B. Asylverfahren, Überwindung der Sprachbarrieren, Integration in die neue Gesellschaft, Arbeit, Wohnung etc. Andererseits müssen sie sich auch der Diskriminierung und der Ablehnung durch ihre Mitgeflüchteten und die Menschen in ihrem unmittelbaren Aufnahmeland stellen. LGBTIQ*-Geflüchtete erfahren Berichten zufolge Homophobie und Rassismus, von Einzelpersonen und Institutionen.

Es ist von grosser Bedeutung, die bestehenden sensiblen Dienste für queere Geflüchtete zu ermitteln und zu prüfen wie zufriedenstellend die Verfügbarkeit ist. Die Autoren Gottlieb et al. schlagen vor, dass spezialisierte und angepasste Dienste in LGBTIQ*-Heimen dazu beitragen sollten, eine angemessene Gesundheitsversorgung für alle zu gewährleisten. Generell: 49% der Anträge auf psychotherapeutische Versorgung durch Asylbewerber werden abgelehnt. Die Psychosozialen Zentren für Flüchtlinge und Folteropfer berichten von Wartezeiten von bis zu zwei Jahren und haben eine Ablehnungsquote von 40%.

Laut Gangarova (2019) haben queere Geflüchtete in Deutschland keinen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Gesundheitssystem, Information, HIV-Testing und Behandlung. Darüber hinaus sind sie nicht an der HIV-Prävention beteiligt (Gangarova 2019). Dies zeigt, dass es in Deutschland insgesamt einen Mangel an Gesundheitsversorgung für LGBTIQ*-Flüchtlinge gibt, was die Dringlichkeit des Themas umso mehr zum Ausdruck bringt.

Es werden Empfehlungen für die sozialpolitische Berücksichtigung von queeren Geflüchteten gegeben, um ihre spezifischen Muster erfahrener Diskriminierung zu überwinden und ihre psychische Gesundheit zu verbessern. Geflüchtete mit einer LGBTIQ*-Persönlichkeit verbergen oft ihre Geschlechtsidentität oder sexuelle Orientierung im Aufnahmeland, weil sie oft von anderen Geflüchteten Gewalt erfahren. Daher ist es wichtig, einen sicheren Raum für sie zu schaffen. Die Mitarbeiter müssen mit ihnen kommunizieren, um ihr Vertrauen zu gewinnen und um ihre Bedürfnisse weiter zu ermitteln. Deshalb müssen den Geflüchteten Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, damit sie wissen, wo sie Hilfe erhalten können.

Einigen Akteuren mangelt es an Kenntnissen über die Bedürfnisse von LGBTIQ*-Geflüchteten. Daher sind Partnerschaften wichtig, um den Bedürfnissen der Flüchtlinge gerecht zu werden und das Bewusstsein zu schärfen. Dienstleister müssen Unterstützung erhalten, damit sie ihre Leistungen an die Bedürfnisse von queeren Geflüchteten anpassen können.

Die doppelte Minderheitslast, die von den Geflüchteten getragen wird, hat große Auswirkungen auf ihre psychische Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden, daher das Bedürfnis nach Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit der erforderlichen psychischen Versorgung, die derzeit in Deutschland noch fehlt.

English version:

Refugees are at a certain risk of experiencing mental health problems. At even higher risk are queer refugees. There are different reasons for that. One appears to be the existing double minority burden for people that belong to a gender minority and to an ethnic minority group, often with a precarious legal status as a refugee. Therefore, special services are required to meet the needs of queer reufgees, exeeding the existing standardized support.

Findings from our literature research:

In the course of our study project, we also researched what access to mental health care looks like for queer refugees in Germany. Here we would like to briefly present our results.

Different studies show LGBTIQ* refugees to be at a high risk of developing mental health problems; they are identified as potential vulnerable group with mental health burden, following their experiences of various kinds of discriminations, rejection, and violence, because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Studies explore LGBTIQ* refugees experiences of minority stress during post-migration.

Most of the studies were done by questionnaire and interviews with queer refugee communities. It is known that most refugees may lack needed mental health care as a result of scarcity of services, lack of information or wrong information about mental health care, language barriers, culture bias, and stigma against mental health disorders. Participants expressed their fear of rejection, discrimination and as a result, they try to hide their identity, which negatively affects the mental health and well-being of newly arrived refugees.

The studies identified a double minority burden for queer refugees in Germany; they on the one hand need to face similar challenges like other refugees, such as going through asylum process, breaking the language barriers, integration into the new society, getting a job, housing, etc. On the other hand, they also have to face the challenge of discrimination and unacceptance from fellow refugees and from people of their immediate host country. LGBTIQ* refugees reportedly experience homophobia and racism, from individuals and institutions.

It is from great importance to identify existing sensitive services for queer refugees and how satisfactory the availability is. The authors Gottlieb et al. suggest that specialized and adapted services in the LGBTIQ* shelter should help obtain adequate healthcare for everyone. In general: 49% of applications for psychotherapy coverage by asylum-seekers are rejected. The Psychosocial Centers for Refugees and Victims of Torture report waiting time is of up to two years and has a 40% rejection rate.

Gangarova (2019) states, evidence reveals that queer refugees in Germany don’t have equal access to the health system, information, HIV-Testing and treatment. Furthermore, they are not involved in HIV-Prevention (Gangarova 2019). This shows that there’s an overall lack of available health care services for LGBTIQ* refugees in Germany, which even more expresses the urgency of the topic addressed.

Recommendations are made for the need to consider queer refugees in social policies to overcome their specific patterns of experienced discrimination and improve their mental health. Refugees with a LGBTIQ* personality often hide their gender identity or sexual orientation in the host country because they often face abuse by other refugees. Therefore, it is important to create a safe space for them. The staff needs to communicate with them to gain their trust to further identify the needs. So, information needs to be available to refugees to gain knowledge about where they can reach out for assistance.

Some actors are lacking knowledge about the needs of LGBTIQ* refugees. Therefore, partnerships are important to meet the needs of the refugees and to increase the awareness. Service providers need to get assistance so that they can adjust their services to the needs of queer refugees.

The double minority burden carried by queer refugees has a great impact on their mental health and well-being, therefore the need for availability and accessibility of required mental healthcare services that are currently still lacking in Germany.


Here you can find guidelines from the Organisation for Refugee, Asylum & Migration (ORAM) on how to appropriately work with queer refugees.
The Women's Refugee Commission will also soon publish some guidelines. As soon as they are ready you can find them under:
The LSVD sub-organisation "queer refugees Germany" also offers trainings every quarter in cooperation with the BAfF on the topic of "Trauma and LGBTI refugees". Find them here:
You can also order further information material free of charge at:

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